My halls are now officially “undecked”, the college kids have moved back to their institutions of higher learning, and I have no idea how much weight I gained from eating pounds and pounds of my chocolates. I don’t believe in scales and refuse to weigh myself, but I can tell by the roll beginning to form over the top of my running tights that the holidays have taken a toll. C’est la vie!
I’m not going to hype on making a new years resolution to eat healthier and exercise. I think I do pretty good. Besides if I think about it too much it becomes an obsession and then all I do is worry about my next meal. Nope! That resolution is not for me.
I have a different resolution that involves food. Several years ago I came across an article in my local newspaper titled, “Resolve to forge ahead in the kitchen”. It was written by John Demers of the Houston Chronicle. I liked it so much that I kept the article and I’d like to share some of his remarks.
“As we make our New Year’s resolutions, why don’t we resolve to spend more quality time in the kitchen as well?
Cooking and eating reside at the center of our lives, so we could certainly spend our resolutions less wisely. And since cooking and eating have a way of placing us in the company of those we care about most, these special activities have a tendency to glue us together when many other things pull us apart….”
John gave 10 New Year’s resolutions you can made that will nourish you in more ways than one. They are:
1) I will master a new cooking technique.
2) I will read a cookbook about something I know nothing about.
3) I will let something else equal flavor. (other than fat??? Are you kidding me?)
4) I will test-drive a new kitchen gadget.
5) I will subscribe to at least one food magazine. (Might I suggest Fine Cooking)
6) I will take at least one cooking class.
7) I will cook with at least one produce item I’ve never heard of.
8) I will bake cookies with my or someone else’s kids.
9) I will cook dinner for at least one friend who doesn’t cook. (You cook, Sue!)
10) I will make at least one dish remembered from my childhood (Eeewww)
You have to admit that these resolutions look pretty fun. You don’t have to do all 10. Just pick one and think about it. I like the thought about bringing the family together and creating bonds in the kitchen.
Family. Isn’t it about time? (hmmm where’s that from?)
Janet@simplysogood says
If you live in Utah, I have been impressed with the Viking Kitchen school. I have been to a class there with the "Bakers Dozen" of Utah. I have looked through their scheduled classes and my mouth waters. I really want to go back and take their classes. They have a little kitchen store in their kitchen areas. I could drop of load of cash there. That would be my first suggestion.
The Ottosen Family says
Janet, any suggestions on where to take cooking classes???
Thanks, Natalie
Janet@simplysogood says
Ok, Julie is an over achiever! You go girl!
Julie says
I just saw this today and I have done 6 of them already!! I'm so excited for my cooking class that starts Feb 10. thanks for this post.